

28 Days To Transform Your Life & Mind

A coaching program to become happier, healthier and wealthier.

Event Begins May 1st

Conquer ‘Overwhelm’ Once And For All

Learn To Block Out The Noise & Confusion

Instantly See Results When You Apply What You Learn

"Nerstha Damier is one of the most effective people I have ever worked with."

Bob Proctor, Legendary Coach and Speaker, Proctor Gallagher Institute

You should be free from the limitations that have been placed on you.

Finally, a way to move forward with less barriers.

Do You Feel Potential Within You Is Being Unrealised?

You want to unlock the best you, but you don’t know the steps to take.

  • You’re being pulled in multiple directions.
  • Life is getting on top of you.
  • The idea of freedom is becoming a distant dream.

Better finances, relationships, and health are within your grasp.

I understand what it’s like to have a fire burning deep down inside you, but feel like outside circumstances are taking your focus or time.

I can relate to that, I built my multi 7-figure business over the last few years whilst raising a toddler, having a newborn baby, moving cities, buying a new house and the pandemic.

It is exactly why I created ‘The Wealthy You’ a few years ago. Because I wanted to give you a place that wasn’t overwhelming and was easy to do. In just 28 days you will learn about the tools that you have within yourself to create the life of freedom that you want.

A Course Over 28 Days That Is Easy For You To Do.

Here's How:

1. Sign Up Now

There’s no time like the present to begin your transformation. Instantly receive your first email to get started straight away. 

2. Bring Order

I will personally email you daily and take you through the self-study emails, audios, videos, and affirmations. Receive a short achievable action step for the next day.

3. Move Forward

Feel confident you are on the right path. See your health, finances and lifestyle take a giant leap towards your fantasy goals.

Absolutley loved this 28 day program. It really got me into a simple, easy routine that started me on a bigger journey to a better me! Great place to start if you are unsure on how to begin. The routine and support from Karen is excellent.

Mandy Pickering

Receive The Absolute Essentials To Creating The Life You Want.

I want you to win. You achieving great things in your life is important to me. In this 28-day program, I will teach you the absolute essentials.

Small yet powerful morsels of information that I teach in detail in my higher mentoring programs.

Learn how to do certain things, in a certain way to create big wins. This is where you set yourself up to create quantum leaps.


Learn the 4 Pillars of a Wealthy You

Your Mind

Harness the magic of your mind
DAYS 1-7
How to take control of your mindset in changing business/work landscape and economy (while navigating family and personal life)

Your Wellbeing

Become healthier and happier from within
DAYS 8-14
Deciding on the right personal and professional goals for growth, getting clear on what you really want

Your Unique Talents & Abilities

What are they and how you can grow them to serve you into the future
DAYS 15-21
Exploring your Unique Selling Proposition in your work and what you love to do most in life and doing more of that

Your Time

Understanding activity management and and how to focus
DAYS 22-28
How to manage day to day activities at work and at home so you feel calm and in control of your days (rather than being on call for everyone else)



Kristen Moore

Fashion Model

“It was very overwhelming to learn that your thoughts have been holding you back form the corporate growth you’ve been trying to experience. Bob helped us change the mindset to make a smooth transition from one plateau to the next. One equation was able to take us from just over million to just under 17 million in a matter of three years.”

– Christopher Guerriero, CEO and Founder of the national Metabolic & Longevity Research Center, CEO and Founder of Wisdom Book Publishing LLC

Sustainable Transformation

When you have all the tools you need to succeed you’ll feel less stressed and more focused on the most important things in your life.

We’ll apply proven scientific principles to help you master your mind and create the whole person you deserve - spiritual, relationships, health and money.

There is too much at stake for you to stay stuck.

  • Living in a constant state of overwhelm.
  • Procrastination killing your best ideas and earning
  • Negative energy continues to exhaust the health of your
    mind & body.

You deserve more in life.
Let me help you find the best you.



“Thanks to Bob, my team went from ranking 163rd company-wide in commissions to #11 within the first year, and to #1 by the fifth year. This program is great because you can have Bob Proctor in your office every week any time you want to just turn it on.”

– Paul Hutsey, Former VP of Sales, Prudential Life

Joanna Foxx

Fashion Model

Client Transformation

Download Your Free “How To Set & Achieve Money Goals With Purpose" Workbook